At the Melbourne Xamarin Meetup November 2019 Meetup, I gave a second run of my "(Some of) What's new in iOS13" talk, which (appropriately) covers new features and frameworks in the latest version of iOS. Since the talk included a number of new…
Using Diffable Data Sources in Xamarin.iOS
iOS13 includes a large number of exciting new features, some of which I outlined in a previous post. One addition in the release that has received less attention is the new option for UITableView and UICollectionView data source configuration - the '…
almost famous
(Some of) What's new in iOS13
At the Queensland C# Mobile Developers meetup group's August 2019 Meetup, I gave a talk entitled "(Some of) What's new in iOS13", covering - appropriately - some of the new features iOS13 brings us as Xamarin developers. Given there are such a large …
How to have your Xamarin.iOS 13 preview cake and Emit it too
As you might have read, Xamarin recently released the first of its Xcode 11 previews, which provide early access to in-progress Xamarin bindings for the new iOS and macOS SDKs. These are useful if you want to start working with new and updated framew…