Xamarin Essentials is a great recent initiative from the Xamarin team to provide an endorsed, comprehensive cross-platform set of APIs in a single package (read more about it on the docs page). One interesting aspect of the library is the lack of int…
Using (most of?) Refit with Blazor
There's a lot of exciting stuff going on lately when it comes to C# and the web, mostly thanks to the great work of the Mono team in bringing mono to WebAssembly and a few pioneers in the space, like Frank Krueger my secret idol and Steve Sanderson, …
Getting the VSTS Hosted Mac Agent to restore from your custom NuGet sources
While preparing for my recent talk on Visual Studio App Center, I realised that there were a couple of limitations in the current offering that would make it difficult to implement an upcoming requirement in one of my projects. Knowing that VSTS rece…
almost famous
Introduction to Visual Studio App Center
Visual Studio App Center is Microsoft's integrated app lifecyle automation platform, recently promoted to GA. At the Queensland C# Mobile Developers meetup group's first event for 2018, I gave a talk on the service, including a broad overview of the …
Introduction to UrhoSharp
UrhoSharp is a cross-platform 3D application and game engine for Xamarin platforms. At the Queensland C# Mobile Developers meetup group's October event, I gave a talk on the engine, including broad overview of the library, core concepts and a few dem…
'Break on thrown exception only when...' in Xamarin Studio
A tool that's probably already made it into your debugging flow when using Xamarin Studio is the 'Exception Catchpoint' feature. It functions in a manner roughly equivalent to the 'Exceptions' debug window in Visual Studio. An exception catchpoint is…
STEINS;GATE unpacker (Steam edition)
A bit of a deviation from the normal posts, I've just released an unpacker tool for the Steam edition of the game STEINS;GATE. It can be used to extract the raw files out of the game's proprietary mpk archives. The game itself is not really my kinda …
Rx-friendly NSNotificationCenter usage on Xamarin.iOS
During the course of building an iOS app, at some point you're likely to need to hook into the NSNotificationCenter functionality. Not to be confused with the consumer-side Notification Center in iOS, it provides a pub/sub-like mechanism that you can…
Using Visual Studio's dark theme syntax highlighting in Xamarin Studio
As a Xamarin developer, after hearing today that Microsoft is going to acquire Xamarin, you might be wondering what you can do to prepare yourself for the incoming assimilation*. Speculation abounds as to what will come out of all this, but it seems …
Allowing UIWebView to accept self-signed certificates
Transport-level security requirements for iOS have undergone significant changes recently. Indeed, unconfirmed statistics suggest that the introduction of App Transport Security in iOS 9 was responsible for doubling the size of the StackOverflow data…